“I’d just like to thank the academy….” well not quite but great news none the less. Now that the dust of the general election has settled I can mention that a site that we designed for Lynne Featherstone MP won the Orange Digital Election Award.
I’m really proud of this site, it was done at speed and within budget. Visually it’s warm and welcoming, it’s a lot more graphic than your usual old school MP site. They key in many ways is its simplicity, everything does what you expect it to, the incoming streams of content are handled and presented logically. It just works. The site was developed by Puffbox, who kindly brought us in to help with design and strategy while simultaniously working their magic on the Lifestream.
The report written by Anthony Painter on behalf of Orange said:
[box] On every level, Lynne Featherstone’s campaign site excelled: design, engagement, relevance, information. It featured a ‘Lifestream’ which was basically a feed of all of Featherstone’s social media and web engagements – Twitter, Facebook, blog, news, video, Flickr, etc. Beyond the site she used Twitter proactively to engage potential activists, supporters and voters. For example, she tweeted to gauge reaction to her party’s local pledges. By the end of the campaign Featherstone had over 3,000 Facebook friends and almost 3,000 Twitter followers. Her campaign secured a swing of almost 4% against Labour against a national swing of 3.5% (though in London the swing from Liberal Democrat to Labour was only 1.25% so it’s an even better performance by that measure.[/box]
If you want to see the site as it is today then it’s here. We’ve since extended the look and feel to Ms Featherstone’s twitter page. The goal throughout is to reflect her personality in the site while also signalling that she is part of the Lib Dem whole. I thought it might be interesting to show some of the visuals used in the site design rather than post stills of an existing site.
[nggallery id=8]
Here’s the report in full if you’re interested.